Jenna Chiarella
Summer 24' Software Engineer Intern
Long before I came to work for LUL, I would help my dad solder and build the smart targets. He would give me presentations on the goals of LUL and where he saw this business going. I got into the business because I believed in the message and wanted to be part of the growth of the company. While I am still getting used to shooting I do enjoy the sport and having fun in the ranges. I see my love for the sport itself growing all the time. Outside of LUL, I am dedicated to my school work at Auburn University in Alabama. I am also an avid workout enthusiast. I enjoy hiking, swimming, reading, and bike riding. While I am no longer the avid equestrian I was, I still am a horse crazy girl at heart. My skills in the workplace include being very organized and efficient. I am always on top of the work that needs to be done and I am good at offering good and useful solutions to problems. Outside of the workplace I am good at cooking and I can fall asleep almost anywhere. I love LUL for the message it is spreading and also because I love watching my dad build his dream. It's truly amazing, inspiring, and heartwarming to see him go for his dream.